Usually the best qualified sales leads you can get come from establishing a referral marketing program — asking satisfied customers to refer their colleagues to you.
While you can certainly ask for referrals face-to-face, or by phone, it is often wise to have a standard referral letter available to use for this. A letter often makes it easier for the customer to give it some thought of who would be the best referrals for you, and to get back to you at their convenience. The referral letter and template below can also be used in an email.
Purpose of Referrals Request Letter
Usually the best qualified sales leads you can get come from asking satisfied customers to refer their colleagues to use your service.
While you can certainly ask for referrals face-to-face, or by phone, it is often wise to have a standard letter available to use for this. A letter often makes it easier for the customer to give it some thought of who would be the best referrals for you, and to get back to you at their convenience.
What a referral marketing letter / email should include
- Ideally, this letter should be short and to the point. While many businesses are afraid to ask for referrals for fear of sounding “pushy”, in reality, satisfied customers are usually willing to give referrals if you just ask.
- If possible, remind the client of something you know they liked about your service, or a major benefit or measurable result they received from it.
- Directly request that they provide you referrals if they know someone who might benefit from your service.
- Provide specific and simple instructions on how they can give you the names and contact information of these referrals.
- If you are sending it by regular mail, it is advisable to also include a self-addressed stamped envelope (or postcard) for them to respond to you.
- Ask permission if you can use their name when contacting these referrals.
- Optional: if you provide a discount or free gift to referrals (or to those who are referring to you), consider mentioning that in the letter
- Thank them for their participation.
How to use the referral marketing letter template
- Use the notes in blue as guidelines and suggestions of what you might include in your own letter.
- Double click on the lines in the template ( ______________ ) to fill in your customized content for the letter.
- Reformat the letter for printing on your own letterhead, or for use as an email.
Asking for Referrals Letter Template
Dear: ________________ (customer first name)
I was glad to hear that you were pleased with _________________________. (service or project that your business performed, and state a specific benefit/result they received)
May I ask you a favor?
Since you were happy with our service, would consider jotting down the (below) the names and contact information of any of your colleagues that you feel would benefit from ___________________ . (enter your service name, service description, or major benefit of your service offering)
For your convenience, I have provided a self-addressed stamped envelope for you to reply.
I may mention your name when I contact them. Please let me know if you are OK with that.
We also give a __% discount on _________________ (name of service, project, etc.) to any new clients we receive from referrals.
Thanks again for your business, and referring us to others.
____________ (name)
____________ (other contact information)
Please list referral names, company name, and phone numbers here:
- __________________________________________________
- __________________________________________________
- __________________________________________________
Asking for Referrals Letter Sample
[Sample for Website Developer]
Dear Jim:
I was glad to hear that you were pleased with the recent redesign of your web shopping cart last month, and that you had seen an increase in sales since it was implemented.
May I ask you a favor?
Since you were happy with our service, would consider jotting down (below) the names and contact information of any of your colleagues that you feel would benefit from our web development services?
For your convenience, I have provided a self-addressed stamped envelope for you to reply.
I may mention your name when I contact them. Please let me know if you are OK with that.
We also give a 10% discount on the first project we perform to any new clients we receive from referrals.
Thanks again for your business, and referring us to others.
Mark Simpson
ACME Web Development, Inc
Please list referral names, company name, and phone numbers here:
1 __________________________________________________
2 __________________________________________________
3 __________________________________________________